現場名 / 森の詩幼稚園様(埼玉)
組子文様/美術組子 抽象タイプ
学校法人 若山学園様は、関東に6つの幼稚園・保育園を運営しておられ、森の詩幼稚園様はそのうちのひとつになり、今年で開園50周年を迎えられました。
We delivered a custom-designed Kumiko (semicircle) to Morinouta Kindergarten in Kitamoto City, Saitama Prefecture. We wanted to make the small children interested in traditional handicrafts as much as possible, so we produced a gentle design with a curved frame and various traditional patterns scattered throughout the design.
Wakayama Gakuen operates six kindergartens and nursery schools in the Kanto region, and Mori no Uta Kindergarten is one of them, celebrating its 50th anniversary this year.
(The frame material is engraved with “50th anniversary of the opening of the park”.)
We hope that our crafts will help children grow and enrich the educational environment of Morinouta Kindergarten.