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S邸 (福井)
Private Residence - Fukui

  • 麻の葉ちらし ちぎれ雲 TC 組子細工


  • S邸 (福井) 吉祥組子 三つ組手 組子細工


  • S邸 (福井) 組子障子 和室 組子細工



現場名 /S邸 (福井)
組子文様/麻の葉ちらし ちぎれ雲 TCタイプ

The Sky Dance(TC type) from AsanohaChirashi has been adopted.
The three shoji screens are arranged in a row, with Mitsukude on the right and Sky Dance designs on the left and middle of the screen designed to flow naturally.

Light leaking from the Japanese-style room softly illuminates the Kumiko, creating a warm living room atmosphere.

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