現場名 /中国料理 白龍様 (京都)
組子文様/吉祥組子 麻の葉・桜・竜胆
京都府京都市に移転オープンした中国料理 白龍様。
中華料理店「白龍」様の店名にも使用されている「龍 」二体が、大空を悠々と飛ぶ姿をイメージしてデザインさせていただきました。
The design was inspired by the image of two dragons, which are also used in the name of the Chinese restaurant Hakuryu, flying leisurely in the sky.
Dragons are imaginary creatures, so we worked out a design that suited the customer’s image over many meetings.
The dragon is a symbol of success and development because of the way it ascends to the heavens, and we created this design to wish the shop a long and prosperous life.