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射水神社 様(富山)
Imizu Shinto shrine - Toyama

  • 高岡 射水神社 バンケット 麻の葉 組子細工



現場名:高岡 射水神社樣 バンケット
空間デザイン/有限会社エッグクリエーション様 施工/株式会社北陸建材社様

Asanoha’s Kumiko was supplied to the Imizu Shrine in Toyama Prefecture, which is said to have been built before the Nara Period.
Our Asanoha’s Kumiko is supplied to the Imizu Shrine in Toyama Prefecture, which is said to have been built before the Nara Period.

In the Japanese Shinto religion, hemp was used to ward off defilement.

Even today, hemp is used in shrines as a material for hemp cords used to ward off defilement in the sanctuary and for bell ropes hung in temples.

Hemp ropes were found at the Torihama shell mound site in Fukui Prefecture, which are believed to date back to the early Jomon period (approximately 10,000 years ago). The relationship between the Japanese people and hemp has continued for nearly 10,000 years through Shintoism and traditional industries.

This historical background may be the reason why the hemp leaf pattern is one of the representative patterns of Japan.

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